Architectural Review Board

Before You Paint or Renovate

Submit your completed Architectural Review Application form below, along with other files which may help with processing your application (including photos and/or Fairfax County permit, if applicable).

    Completed ARB Form and Attachments *


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    See Bylaws of Amberwoods of Great Falls pages 15 through 24 for Application Requirements, Processing of Application, and Specific Project Requirements for building alterations, additions, fences, screens and enclosures, materials finish and type.

    Paragraphs presented below are directly quoted from the Bylaws of Amberwoods of Great Falls, Article XVIII, page 15, Architectural Review Committee Guidelines.


    The Architectural Review Board (ARB) of the Amberwoods of Great Falls Homeowners Association is charged with the preservation of the values and of the aesthetic character of the community. The ARB functions by reviewing plans and specifications for proposed external property modifications or new construction to assure compliance with the Declarations and the maintenance of a quality community. ARB approval of proposed construction is required prior to the initiation of any work. The ARB, with Association Board approval, may adopt and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations establishing criteria with respect to the administration, interpretation and enforcement of the provisions of the Declaration. The ARB, in addition, performs physical surveys of the Community and reviews complaints by individual property owners to determine if the standards and/or spirit of the Declaration have been violated.

    ARB Guidelines are a supplement to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions given each homeowner at settlement. These guidelines do not remove the homeowner’s responsibility of meeting all provisions of said Declaration. The intent of these guidelines is to facilitate the homeowner in obtaining approval of any exterior alterations or additions to his/her property.

    These Guidelines and subsequent ARB approval do not remove the homeowner’s responsibility to meet all Fairfax County ordinances, regulations, or restrictions and obtain necessary permits.

    All provisions of the Declaration and these Guidelines apply to both the owner and, if rented, to the occupant of the property. It is mandatory that this be added in the leasing agreements.